Amir Khosrowpour

Khosrowpour is a company member of The Actors Company Theatre, having written music for their highly successful Off-Broadway production of Alan Ayckbourn’s Bedroom Farce,and for several of their Salon Series productions.  He is working  with playwrights Jonathan Goldberg and Edith Freni on 2 musicals (one has zombies in it), and has/is collaborating with  NYC dance choreographers Kathryn Wilkening, Susan Cherniak, Caron Eule, and Nicoll+Oreck on dance concerts for the 2010-11 season.  He also has his duo, Corky Has a Band, which focuses on the surreal and ridiculous.  In 2009, they presented a concert based on the popular (and fun) drinking game, PowerHour.  He’s thrilled to be a part of Caron’s 10th season.